
New publication: The genetic mechanism of B . . .
Annotation: The genomes of many plants, animals, and fungi frequently comprise dispensable B chromosomes that rely upon various chromosomal drive mechanisms to counteract the tendency of non-essential genetic elements to be purged over time. The B chromosome of rye undergoes targeted nondisjunction during first pollen mitosis, favouring segregation into the generative nucleus, thus increasing their numbers over generations. Using a newly-assembled . . .
New publication: Analysis of a global wheat panel . . .
Annotation:  Analysis of exomes from 434 bread wheat accessions (the WHEALBI collection) identified almost 25 thousand putative introgressed segments of at least 2 Mb. The most frequent donor of the introgressions was Triticum timopheevii or its close relatives. Besides, we identified multiple events where distal chromosomal segments of one subgenome were duplicated in the genome and replaced the homoeologous segment in another subgenome, possibly . . .
New publication: First insight into the genomes of the . . .
Annotation:  The genus Pulmonaria (Boraginaceae) represents a taxonomically complex group of species in which morphological similarity contrasts with striking karyological variation. The presence of different numbers of chromosomes in the diploid state suggests multiple hybridization/polyploidization events followed by chromosome rearrangements (dysploidy). Unfortunately, the phylogenetic relationships and evolution of the genome, have not yet been . . .
Czechs first to image chromosome surface structure in . . .
Czechs are the first in the world to image the chromosome surface structure in its natural state through a new imaging method with multiple applications developed by scientists from the Czech Academy of Sciences' (AV CR) institutes, Brno environmental electron microscopy team head Vilem Nedela said today.  
New publication: The interplay of homology-directed . . .
Annotation:  DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) are a specific type of damage where DNA and a nearby protein become covalently bound. Persisting DPCs interfere with fundamental genetic processes such as DNA replication and transcription. We showed that ZEB covalently traps DNA METHYLTRANSFERASE 1 (MET1) and causes massive accumulation of its DPCs at repetitive 45S rDNA arrays. The understudied mechanism of ZEB-induced DPC repair and the complexity of DNA . . .
New publication: Striking variation in chromosome . . .
Annotation: The majority of cultivated bananas originated from inter- and intra(sub)specific crosses between two wild diploid species, Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. Hybridization and polyploidization events during the evolution of bananas led to the formation of clonally propagated cultivars characterized by a high level of genome heterozygosity and reduced fertility. The combination of low fertility in edible clones and differences in the . . .
New publication: SOS1 tonoplast neo-localization and . . .
Annotation:  The identification of genes involved in salinity tolerance has primarily focused on model plants and crops. However, plants naturally adapted to highly saline environments offer valuable insights into tolerance to extreme salinity. Salicornia plants grow in coastal salt marshes, stimulated by NaCl. To understand this tolerance, we generated genome sequences of two Salicornia species and analyzed the transcriptomic and proteomic . . .
New publication: Restoring cytonuclear stoichiometry . . .
Annotation: Whole genome duplication and interspecific hybridization are two core processes that underline evolution and speciation in plants. They also represent widely used tools in the plant breeding. Although these two phenomena confer long-term benefits to the plant species, they bring many obstacles to be dealt with in order to stabilize the newly acquired genetic environment. In this study, we examined how newly established polyploids and . . .
New publication: Core promoterome of barley embryo
Annotation:  Precise localization and dissection of gene promoters are key to understanding transcriptional gene regulation and to future bioengineering applications. In this study, we employed cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE) at three embryonic developmental stages in barley to accurately map, annotate, and quantify transcription initiation events. Using novel bioinformatics tools for sequence clustering coupled with annotation of . . .
New publication: SMC5/6 complex-mediated SUMOylation . . .
Annotation: „DNA-protein crosslinks, i.e. proteins covalently attached to DNA molecule represent extremely toxic type of DNA damage, which hinder the essential processes of replication and transcription. Here, we set-up forward-directed genetic screen to identify mutants hypersensitive to DNA protein crosslink inducing chemical zebularine that crosslinks METHYLTRANSFERASE1 (MET1) at 45S rDNA repeats. We mapped HYPERSENSITIVE TO ZEBULARINE 1 (HZE1 . . .
New publication: Non-Rabl chromosome organization in . . .
Annotation: Rabl organization is a type of interphase chromosome arrangement with centromeres and telomeres clustering at opposite nuclear poles. In this work we analyzed nuclear morphology and chromosome organization in cycling and endoreduplicated nuclei isolated from embryo and endosperm tissues. We found that dividing nuclei have a round shape, adherent sister chromatids keep an equal amount of CENH3 histone and organize chromosomes according to a . . .
New publication: Spatial organization and dynamics of . . .
Annotation:  Mitosis and cytokinesis are fundamental processes through which somatic cells increase their numbers and allow plant growth and development. Here, we analyzed the organization and dynamics of mitotic chromosomes, nucleoli, and microtubules in living cells of barley root primary meristems using a series of newly developed stable fluorescent protein translational fusion lines and time-lapse confocal microscopy. The median duration of . . .
New publication: Helical coiling of metaphase chromatids
Annotation: Early cytological studies indicated that chromatids of mitotic chromosomes coil into a helix but a direct proof for this assumption was missing. Here, we combined Hi-C analysis of purified metaphase chromosomes, biopolymer modelling and spatial structured illumination microscopy to reveal a helically-wound, 400 nm thick chromatin thread forming barley mitotic chromatids. Chromatin from adjacent turns of the helix intermingled due to the . . .
New publication: Updated guidelines for gene . . .
Annotation: The last decade has seen a proliferation in genomic resources for wheat, including reference- and pan-genome assemblies with gene annotations, which provide new opportunities to detect, characterise, and describe genes that influence traits of interest. To accommodate these developments, an updated set of community-agreed guidelines for gene nomenclature in wheat has been compiled, enabling to describe loci based on morphological or . . .
New publication: RUVBL proteins are involved in plant . . .
Annotation:  RUVBL proteins are evolutionary conserved helicases which absence leads to complete lethality of the progeny. In this work we analyzed the role of RUVBLs in plant gametophyte development that could be the reason for absence of homozygous progeny.  ruvbl mutants have strongly impacted female gametogenesis producing an aberrant embryo sac. Additionally, male gametogenesis was compromised by reduced pollen germination and pollen tube . . .