New publication: A Panicum-derived chromosomal segment captured by Hordeum a few million years ago preserves a set of stressrelated genes

New publication: A Panicum-derived chromosomal segment captured by Hordeum a few million years ago preserves a set of stressrelated genes
Our long-term collaboration with Dr. Václav Mahelka from the Institute of Botany led to an exploring and characterization of foreign DNA material within wild barley genomes. We investigated the nature and evolution of chromosomal segment of Panicum (Poaceae, Panicoideae) origin occurring in the nuclear genomes of an Asian Hordeum bogdanii and of South American H. pubiflorum. In addition to rDNA genes and TEs, the five protein-coding genes of the foreign DNA have also been identified.  Our study shows that grass genomes can contain large genomic segments obtained from distantly related species.
