New publication: Divergence between bread wheat and Triticum militinae in the powdery mildew resistance QPm.tut‑4A locus and its implications for cloning of the resistance gene

New publication: Divergence between bread wheat and Triticum militinae in the powdery mildew resistance QPm.tut‑4A locus and its implications for cloning of the resistance gene
Blumeria graminis causing disease powdery mildew is serious pest of wheat casing significant loses in yield and quality. Introgression of new resistance genes from wild related species is attractive way for wheat genome improvement. However, the introgression is often accompanied with deleterious gene introduction and loss of recombination hampering cloning of such genes. If you are interest in way how to clone such introgressed powdery mildew resistance gene QPm-tut.4A, read our recent paper @TheorApplGenet.
