New publication: Fonio millet genome unlocks African orphan crop diversity for agriculture in a changing climate

New publication: Fonio millet genome unlocks African orphan crop diversity for agriculture in a changing climate
Fonio millet (Digitaria exilis) is an orphan African cereal crop with a great potential for dryland agriculture. High-quality genomic resources were established to facilitate fonio improvement through molecular breeding. Creation of a chromosome-scale reference assembly and deep re-sequencing of 183 cultivated and wild Digitaria accessions enabled insights into genetic diversity, population structure, and domestication.

Picture describtion:
a) Field of cultivated fonio in Guinea. b) Grains of maize, wheat, rice, and fonio (from left to right). c Representative example of oligo painting FISH on mitotic metaphase chromosomes with probes from pseudomolecules 9A (green) and 9B (red) of the CM05836 assembly (scale bar = 5 μm).
