
New publication: Misdivision of telocentrics and . . .
Annotation: We analyzed the meiotic behavior of misdivision products of meiosis: isochromosomes and telocentrics in wheat. The 2 most frequent scenarios were separation of sister chromatids in anaphase I or monopolar/bipolar attachment of the univalent to the spindle apparatus with unseparated chromatids. Misdivision was rare, and its frequency appeared directly related to the size of the centromere. Pairing of identical arms in isochromosomes did not . . .
New publication: The Coiled-Coil NLR Rph1, Confers . . .
Annotation: The  tools for unraveling the mechanisms of disease resistance in cereal crops are currently limited due to their large repeat-rich genomes and the lack of genetic recombination or cultivar (cv)-specific sequence information. We cloned the first leaf rust resistance gene Rph1 from cultivated barley using “MutChromSeq,” a recently developed molecular genomics approach for the rapid cloning of genes in plants. Flow-sorted 2H . . .
The Application Laboratory for Agricultural Research . . .
The Application Laboratory for Agricultural Research is the first laboratory at the Czech Academy of Sciences to link scientists with breeders and farmers. It was established under the Food for Future Program of the Strategy AV21 in February 2017 and is located at the Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics of the Institute of Experimental Botany in Olomouc. 
New publication: Instability of alien chromosome . . .
Annotation: We conducted the comprehensive study on the genome instability of rye chromosomes or chromosome arms in wheat background. We found that the transmission of rye chromosomes to subsequent generations is lower than their wheat counterparts, which is a consequence of reduced pairing of rye chromosomes in meiosis. This lower frequency of pairing seems to be associated with the improper positioning of the telomeres of rye chromosomes at the onset . . .
New publication: Integrated physical map of bread . . .
Annotation: As a part of a joint effort coordinated by the IWGSC, we have constructed a BAC-based physical map of bread wheat chromosome arm 7DS and anchored it to one radiation hybrid map and three high resolution genetic maps. This map integration, interconnecting a total of 1,713 markers with ordered and sequenced BAC clones, provides a tool to speed up gene cloning in wheat. Moreover, inclusion of genomic resources from Aegilops tauschii facilitated . . .
New publication: Out-of-position telomeres in meiotic . . .
Annotation: Using 3D imaging confocal microscopy, we studied alien chromatin organization in somatic and meiotic nuclei of a heterozygote for an inversion of a rye chromosome arm in wheat background. We found that with some frequencies, rye telomeres were not positioned in the proper bouquet or Rabl orientation. This out-of-position seems to help homologous pairing of the inverted and standard chromosome arms and appears to be connected to the . . .
Decoding plant genome was the first topic of the . . .
Jaroslav Doležel, a plant geneticist, commenced the 14th year of the Contemporary Chemistry lecture series with a talk on plant genetic information and its decoding. Contemporary Chemistry is regularly organized at the Faculty of Science under the aegis of Pavel Hobza, a highly cited world-renowned researcher and a Česká hlava 2008 honoree. 
Žurnál UP: Jaroslav Doležel: You cannot change the . . .
If your kids are not taking firsts in school and instead they want to play guitar after school, don’t worry. Even so, they can go far – become a world-renowned scientist, even win the most important awards for science in the country. An illustrious example of this is the recipient of the 2018 Czech Mind prize, Jaroslav Doležel, who leads the Olomouc workplace of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences and is . . .
CRH management calls for a change in legislation on . . .
Scientists at the Center of the Region Haná for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research (CRH) have called on Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and other politicians to push for a change in European legislation on genetically modified plants in line with current developments in scientific knowledge. They are hereby responding to a decision of the European Court of Justice that organisms acquired by modern methods for targeted genome editing, such as CRISPR . . .
New publication: Identification of COS markers . . .
Authors: Gaál, E., Valárik, M., Molnár, I., Farkas, A., Linc, G.Journal: Plos One 13: e0208840, 2018DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208840
Jaroslav Doležel will lead the Scientific Board of . . .
The Scientific Board of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic will be led by the Head of the Olomouc Institute of Experimental Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and CRH Scientific Director Jaroslav Doležel. The Board for Research, Development and Innovations (RVVI) has suggested him for the position of the Board´s Chair together with other members of the Board. The term of office of the current Board members ends on December 22.
New publication: Discovery of multi-megabase . . .
Authors: Himmelbach, A., Ruban, A., Walde, I., Šimková, H., Doležel, J., Hastie, A., Stein, N., Mascher, M.Journal:Plant Journal 96: 1309-1316, 2018DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14109Link
New publication: One major challenge of sequencing . . .
Authors: Doležel, J., Čížková, J., Šimková, H., Bartoš, J.Journal:International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19: 3554, 2018DOI: 10.3390/ijms19113554Link  
Olomouc worksite of Institute of Experimental Botany . . .
Olomouc worksite of IEB, which is a part of CRH, has become a member of a newly established Biotechnological National Competence Center for Plant Genotyping. It is the only National Competence Center (NCK) in the field of biological sciences, which aims to link basic and applied research in plant biotechnology with breeding companies, thus supporting the competitiveness of Czech agriculture with an overlap in food, brewing, and malting industries.   . . .
New publication: Chromosome-based survey sequencing . . .
Authors: Akpinar, B. A., Biyiklioglu, S., Alptekin, B., Havránková, M., Vrána, J., Doležel, J., Distelfeld, A., Hernandez, P., The IWGSC, Budak, H.Journal: Plant Biotechnology 16: 2077-2087, 2018DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12940Link