Genome dynamics in the context of sex chromosome evolution in the genus Humulus

01/2022 - 12/2024
Project number
Principle investigator
Co-principle investigator
Sex chromosomes have evolved multiple times in both plants and animals. Numerous studies have shown that distant species may share fundamental properties of sex chromosome formation, while closely related species can differ greatly. We intend to investigate genome dynamics in two closely related dioecious species, Humulus lupulus and H. japonicus. Among the most prominent and interesting differences in these species are the variations in genome size, autosome number and in the sex chromosomes themselves (XX/XY1Y2 in H. japonicus, XX/XY in H. lupulus). Using flow cytometry, sex chromosome sorting and sequencing,
comparative cytogenomics and bioinformatics, we will investigate which elements are major players in genome size variability and sex chromosome formation. Our study will not only provide novel contributions to the understanding of genome dynamics in the studied species but comparison with other sex chromosome possessing plant species will enable us to identify general processes that form and regulate plant genomes.