Role of Condensin II Complex in the DNA Damage Repair of Arabidopsis thaliana

01/2022 - 12/2024
Principle investigator
Preserving genome stability is an intricate affair involving a dynamic interplay between many factors of DNA damage repair and chromatin organization pathways. In the forward-directed screen, we have identified the condensin II as an important complex involved in the maintenance of genome stability in Arabidopsis thaliana. This complex is broadly known to condense chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis. Our data suggest that condensin II is a suppressor of homologous recombination. We propose analyzing the role of condensin II in chromatin organization and DNA repair in A. thaliana. In this project, we will place the condensin II complex in the DNA damage repair network, analyze the frequency of homologous recombination at different genomic positions and explore positional cohesion. Furthermore, we will focus on the relationships between gene expression, chromatin accessibility, and 3D organization. In summary, this project will reveal novel functions of the classical Structural maintenance of chromosomes complex on relaxed interphase chromosomes and during DNA damage repair.