JBrowse genomic browser is provided by ELIXIR-CZ Research Infrastructure [LM2023055], https.://www.elixir-czech.cz
Genome reference: Morex V3
Mascher, M., Wicker, T., Jenkins, J., Plott, C., Lux, T., Koh, C.S., Ens, J., et al. (2021): Long-read sequence assembly: A technical evaluation in barley. The Plant Cell 33(6): 1888-1906.
Datasets were generated by Hana Simkova group and collaborators, with the exception of the following tracks containing published data:
Bisulfite sequencing data from leaf tissue
Wicker, T., Schulman. A.H., Tanskanen, J., Spannagl, M., Twardziok, S.O., Mascher, M., Springer, N.M., et al. (2017) The repetitive landscape of the 5100 Mbp Barley genome. Mobile DNA 8 (December):22.
RNA-seq data from 8DAP and 24DAP embryos
Kovacik, M., Nowicka, A., Zwyrtková, J., Strejčková, B., Varganega, I., Esteban, E., Pasha, A., et al. (2024): The transcriptome landscape of developing barley seeds. The Plant Cell 36 (7): 2510-30.
RNA-seq data from leaf
Mascher, M., Gundlach, H., Himmelbach, A., Beier, S., Twardziok, S.O., Wicker, T., Radchuk, V., et al. (2017): A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome. Nature 544 (7651): 427-33.
CAGE data
Pavlu, S., Nikumbh, S., Kovacik, M., An, T., Lenhard, B., Simkova, H., and Navratilova, P. (2024): Core promoterome of barley embryo. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 23 (December): 264-77.
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