IEB, Šlechtitelů 31, Olomouc
Theme: DNA-Protein Interaction Revealed by CHIP & CHIP-Seq Techniques
Chromatin immunoprecipitation is the most widely used method to investigate interactions between proteins and DNA that has been used since 30 year ago in nearly all model organisms. Most frequently, it is used to profile post-translational modifications/variants of histones or to localize targets of specific transcription factors in the genome. ChIP can be used both to assay a single genomic locus and genome-wide in combination with the high-throughput sequencing. This seminar will introduce the basic steps of the conventional protocol, but also some of the variations of this method. Further, we will focus on challenges specific to large plant genomes.
The lecturer:
Pavla Navrátilová MSc.
Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR
Czech republic