Centre of Plant Structural & Functional Genomics

Our research unveils the organization of genetic information of plants and explains how it controls plant growth and development. Our teams collaborate with colleagues across the world. We have participated in the ambitious projects that delivered genome sequences of important crops including barley and wheat.


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New publication: The genetic mechanism of B . . .
Annotation: The genomes of many plants, animals, and fungi frequently comprise dispensable B chromosomes that rely upon various chromosomal drive mechanisms to counteract the tendency of non-essential genetic elements to be purged over time. The B chromosome of rye undergoes targeted nondisjunction during first pollen mitosis, favouring segregation into the generative nucleus, thus increasing their numbers over generations. Using a newly-assembled . . .
New publication: Analysis of a global wheat panel . . .
Annotation:  Analysis of exomes from 434 bread wheat accessions (the WHEALBI collection) identified almost 25 thousand putative introgressed segments of at least 2 Mb. The most frequent donor of the introgressions was Triticum timopheevii or its close relatives. Besides, we identified multiple events where distal chromosomal segments of one subgenome were duplicated in the genome and replaced the homoeologous segment in another subgenome, possibly . . .
New publication: First insight into the genomes of the . . .
Annotation:  The genus Pulmonaria (Boraginaceae) represents a taxonomically complex group of species in which morphological similarity contrasts with striking karyological variation. The presence of different numbers of chromosomes in the diploid state suggests multiple hybridization/polyploidization events followed by chromosome rearrangements (dysploidy). Unfortunately, the phylogenetic relationships and evolution of the genome, have not yet been . . .


Seminar of Lukáš Kratochvíl
30.1.2025 at 13:00
ÚEB, Šlechtitelů 31, Olomouc
Theme: From Environmental Control to Parthenogenesis? Unraveling the Evolution of Sex Determination in Amniotes
Seminar of Nobuko Ohmido
10.12.2024 at 13:00
ÚEB, Šlechtitelů 31, Olomouc
Theme: Plant chromosome architecture: Nanoscale observations with cutting-edge microscopy
Seminar of Inna Lermontova
28.11.2023 at 13:00
ÚEB, Šlechtitelů 31, Olomouc
Theme: Regulation of plant kinetochore assembly and maintenance for proper chromosome segregation and cell cycle progression
Seminar of Franziska Turck
15.10.2024 at 13:00
ÚEB, Šlechtitelů 31, Olomouc
Theme: Cis-regulatory motifs recruiting epigenetic regulators in plants - a hard code for soft genetics? 

Our Activities

The Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech . . .
The Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics is one of the organizational units of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The Institute of was founded in 1962. Today, it has 14 laboratories located in Prague and Olomouc. The institute conducts fundamental research in plant genetics, physiology, phytopathology and biotechnology. The research in plant genetics focuses on plant genome organization, evolution and . . .
The Application Laboratory for Agricultural Research
The Application Laboratory for Agricultural Research is the first laboratory at the Czech Academy of Sciences to link scientists with breeders and farmers. It was established under the Food for Future Program of the Strategy AV21 in February 2017 and is located at the Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics of the Institute of Experimental Botany in Olomouc. The main objective of the Laboratory is to facilitate the . . .
The Foods for the Future research program of Strategy . . .
The Strategy of the Czech Academy of Sciences responds to current social challenges through a sophisticated formulation of research programmes, based on cooperation of scientific fields and institutions. The research programmes of the CAS are open to partners from universities, corporations, and institutions of regional administration, as well as foreign research groups and organisations. The research programmes are proposed and formulated in discussion . . .