
New publication: One major challenge of sequencing . . .
Authors: Doležel, J., Čížková, J., Šimková, H., Bartoš, J.Journal:International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19: 3554, 2018DOI: 10.3390/ijms19113554Link  
Olomouc worksite of Institute of Experimental Botany . . .
Olomouc worksite of IEB, which is a part of CRH, has become a member of a newly established Biotechnological National Competence Center for Plant Genotyping. It is the only National Competence Center (NCK) in the field of biological sciences, which aims to link basic and applied research in plant biotechnology with breeding companies, thus supporting the competitiveness of Czech agriculture with an overlap in food, brewing, and malting industries.   . . .
New publication: Chromosome-based survey sequencing . . .
Authors: Akpinar, B. A., Biyiklioglu, S., Alptekin, B., Havránková, M., Vrána, J., Doležel, J., Distelfeld, A., Hernandez, P., The IWGSC, Budak, H.Journal: Plant Biotechnology 16: 2077-2087, 2018DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12940Link
Czech scientists participated in decoding the bread . . .
After thirteen years of intensive international collaboration, two hundred scientists from twenty countries managed to obtain a reference genome sequence of the most widespread agricultural crop, bread wheat. The International Consortium for Wheat Genome Sequencing (IWGSC) informed about the important advance in an article published in prestigious scientific journal Science. The discovery will help scientists and breeders to develop improved varieties of . . .
Olomouc scientist exploring the impact of climate . . .
A prestigious achievement was made by a scientist from the Olomouc branch of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences – Pranav Pankaj Sahu. His research dealing with the impact of climate changes on plants interested experts from the Society of Experimental Biology (SEB) in London. He was selected in a huge international competition to become one of the three YSAS (Young Scientists Award Session) finalists in the section . . .